Monday, March 06, 2006

Hello World

1,2,3......testing testing........hello hello - seems alright!

So, here I go my first plunge into blogosphere :-)
I'm a bit confused right now, typin away on my laptop, where is this all heading?? Rather, where am I heading?........Oh hooo, seems too philosophical a start, we all know where this is heading - (yeah, to the meaning of life of course! :-D At least thats where the greater majority of the species led by Plato are headed for..........) Am not that serious a guy, so obviously the start doesnt suit me!

Maybe i ll just start off plain and straight with my 1st experience in the corporate world (Dont be mistaken - i'm no corporate honcho, just a poor lisltless soul in the midst of an ennui, hopin against hope that it ll all be washed away by a fairy god mother who would come up early in the morning, sometime next month with the news : "Congrats, U've made it to IIMA" :-D)


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